Guess my box!
- Author By pesakesap
- Publication date October 31, 2022
- Categories: Hanga | Create
- Tags: Guess my box!, Term 4 week 3
- No Comments on Guess my box!
Hello. Welcome back to my blog. Today I wrote my voice over to go with my drawing. My drawing was of the Acropolis of Athens. In my voice over I had some facts about the Acropolis, the art elements I used to make my drawing and lastly how I drew the Acropolis. Here it is below. Please post a positive comment if you can. Thank you! :)))
Hello. Welcome back to my blog! Today’s holiday blogging was about M&M’s.Here it is below.
Hello. Welcome back to my blog! Today my task was to finish my Holiday blogging challenge. We were learning all about Albert Einstein and some facts about him! Here it is below. Please post a positive comment! Thank you! :))